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An Award? For Me? Really?!! Woo Hoo!!

Blogosphere certainly seems to me like a whole new universe; with its limitless number of acronyms, tools, widgets, challenges and awards. I have wondered, who hands out these awards to these bloggers, whether there is an organization that is keenly looking at the countless blogs and their countless posts.

It sort of was an answer when my friend SheethalSusan nominated me for the Liebster Award, wondering what the whole thing was, I decided to do a bit of research myself. The most I learned was that it was kind of a chain letter, a blogger to blogger award, you had to nominate 5 bloggers with less than 200 readers, "liebster" is dearest in German, and that no one knew the origins. With the passing of time, rules have changed and now it is given to 11 bloggers who have a limited number of followers, less than 200 to be exact.

Accepting this award requires me to pass it on to 11 other bloggers, ask them 11 questions, answer the 11 questions posed to me, as well as state 11 random facts about myself. Phew! I know it does sound tedious, but then awards are to be earned, so here goes my list of nominations:

The 11 Questions posed to me, and their Answers :

What was your childhood ambition?
I had always wanted to be a teacher, and guess what, I am well on my way to be a professor :D
     Did you ever wish to have a different name? If, then what's that?
Actually No. I do love my name, but I love my brother’s name more – Bhaswath!

If you were the most powerful person in the world, what could you do?
I would feed all the children, clothe the poor, take away the rich man’s money and give it to the poor, somehow bring balance into this chaotic world

Who's your favorite author?
I do not have favourites – not in colours, books, music, authors, films.

Sea or mountains? Day or Night?
Sea, and definitely night.

If you could trade place with anyone for a day, who could it be?
Would it be too ambitious if I say God? Just want to know how he manages things.

What's your most precious childhood memory?
My most precious childhood memories have been at the various beaches me and my parents used to visit frequently. I used to love the sand tingling between my toes, each wave coming behind the other as if to kiss my feet.

Tell me something which you could like to share with me?
Would love to share some quality time with you

What three words best describes you?
Emotional, Shy, Empathetic

What made you start blogging?
I have always loved to write from my childhood, and exploring new things was a craze too. That made me land up in the world of blogs.

If you could ask three wishes, what would they be?
To make me a successful writer who can churn out bestsellers after bestsellers :P
To make my family and friends happy and contended always
To give me an endless collection of books to read :D

Okay, so here are the 11 questions I would want my nominees to answer:

What is the weirdest nickname that was ever given to you?
What colour would you assign to best describe your personality?
You wake up in the morning to find that your head is missing. React.
What is the one dream that keeps coming back to you? Can be a dream or a nightmare.
What movie/fictional character comes close to describing you?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
What is writing for you?
What is your pet peeve?
Do you believe in God? What is religion for you?
What do you like the most about yourself?
When you die, where would you go? Heaven or Hell? And Why? 

11 Random Facts About Me:

 At times, I don’t know what to speak and where
Am childish most of the times
Love my dad and the limitless amounts of icecream he gets for me
Love to get drenched in the rain
Meera is just one of my 1 billion pet names
Am Very Very Very emotional
I am a Certified Laughter Professor
I keep wishing that I could write better and better and better
Have a multiple personality ;) 
Most of my friends are boys, causing too much headache to my parents
In search of HIM ;)


  1. Thank you for the nomination!
    Thank you even more for sharing yourself - your thought-filled answers -
    Thank you for all you share!
    love & love,

  2. I loved this. Sea and night for me and those 3 wishes for yours are mine too.

    I am childish, Dad's my fav(and mom knows that), rain & ice cream, million nick names, wishing to write better, obviously multiple personality (Gemini yaaar), guys top my friends list! Uffff!!!!..... That's so much of me in your random facts.

    And about the quality time... When & where...??? :)

  3. Aaaawww thank you so much for this honor Bhavs..can hear drum rolls in the background ...absolutely delighted ....hugs to you :)

    1. And I simply loved all your answers :) Will do a post o this once the challenge is over :) Once again Thanks so much :)

  4. Bhav (or should I say Meera :) Congratulations we both received our Sheethal, and I enjoyed reading your answers and questions, i hope all your wishes come true :)

  5. Don't hate me for this! But You do Inspire me through your writings. So I nominated you for yet another award, the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award". :)

    -Check my blog for rules and details if you wish to accept it.

  6. Hey congratulations and thank you very much for the mention!!
    Will post about it soon..

  7. Wow! Another Liebster award! Thank you so much and sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I'll never turn down blogger love, especially in official award format; though I will delay my reply till after the April madness ends. Only five more posts to go!

    Thank you again and will send you the link to my reply!


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