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Dark Secret

To say the least, my parents rejected and disowned me when they came to know how I really am. It is not by my free will that I lead a life like this, hiding from the society, never going home, always afraid of being ridiculed or mocked at.

It is not my parents’ fault that they live in a coastal village along the western ghats of India where they are still not free to decide what is right and what is wrong for them. Similarly, it is not my fault that I’m like this; this is not a choice I have made.

Today as I am forced to sit and hide because I am gay, my sister is getting married.

This piece of fiction is written for 100 Words On Saturday 10 Prompt: DARK SECRET/S hosted by Corinne at her blog EveryDay Gyaan 


  1. That is interesting, but then I suppose we all do hide something ot the other, no on is absolutely without secrets

    1. Yes, we all have our own little secrets that we guard with our life :)

  2. Wonderful write, we all have something in our lives we keep to our selves,The best one can do is get on with life and think positive.

    1. And try to have faith that it is always the darkest before dawn!

  3. Interesting piece, Bhavya...nice!

  4. Now tell me how do u come up with all thi! Beautiful...

    1. Tee hee hee... I don't know, it just comes :P

  5. Your character should move to LA, where gay seems to be the way. America is making slow progress on this issue. So sad.

    1. I am hopeful, one day, the world will learn to accept without judging.

  6. Very thought provocative 100 words!

  7. So glad this is fiction! Your parents better not disown you!

  8. Very interesting story in 100 words! Homosexuality is such a taboo in our society, still.

    1. Yes its a pity, but hopefully things will better themselves.

  9. Interesting take it is. I am inspired by your other posts too :-)

  10. Oh, for a world hearts where can express freely . . .

    as always, nice work!

    1. One day, the sun will dawn on such a world :)
      Thank you g <3

  11. aah ! Yesterday I saw bombay talkies movie whiich got me thinking and this post . hmmm !!! Few things r tough to understand and sad when ppl dont try to understand

    1. Yes, agreed that certain things may be difficult to understand, but like you said, what makes it worse is people's reluctance to understand.

  12. This is the reality of many. Nice.

  13. A wonderful post..good work keep it up

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you Sir. Coming from you, that's a big compliment.

  15. I think most secrets are kept hidden during social gatherings. Especially weddings. That is a way of life here, sadly!

    1. Yes, the family does not want its 'dirty' secrets revealed and hush many things up.

  16. I have some gay friends and they are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. But as always you write a superb story.

    1. Of course, they are human beings like us after all. It is the society that discriminates.

  17. This is so real that it is sad, Bhavya.

    1. Yes, that is what hurts the most. If only it had been just a story

  18. It's tough to come out with it in the open...Interesting take !


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