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She was happy with how things had turned out after her little luncheon with Milan, he seemed to be a nice guy after all. The only thing that she raised an eyebrow at was that majority of the time she was with him, she was the one doing the talking. He seemed to be a very quiet guy, not reserved or guarded, just quiet. She had always thought she could not carry off a sensible conversation with any guy she was meeting for the first time, but yesterday had been fun!

While on a popular social networking site, she saw somebody had shared a song that she loved. Unable to resist, she hit the play button and was soon lost in the music. She had a strange ‘thing’ for sad songs, they always drew her attention and once she started listening to them, she would be hooked for a very long time. The emotions and the pain of the singer always spoke immense volumes to her, but at the end of it all, she would be in a very strange mood. Her friends always joked about her that grief and pain turned her philosophical. She was sure she could never make them understand that philosophy was her parallel world operating within herself, her haven where she ran to for solace; hence she guarded it as her little secret.

Her haven had lately turned into a battle zone - her heart and her brain fired questions at her, incessantly, showing no kindness whatsoever. She was literally torn between everything – her parents wanting her to settle down, her own dreams of an ambitious career, her liking for Milan, her fear of the unknown side of Milan. Asha felt awkward and lost in the midst of it all.

Should she give the new kinship she had developed with this guy a try? Should she ask for some more time from her parents and also from Milan? Should she tell him that her dreams are too precious to be sacrificed for a husband? Should she even consider sacrificing her dreams for some guy who will walk into her life one fine day? Should she let go of Milan and wait till her career is somewhat settled so that she can be more independent? But what if she lets Milan go, and will repent over it later? Won’t she be hurting her parents – the ones who stood by her to ensure that she achieved her dreams – by denying them their wish to see their daughter settled in life? Would she be happy marrying this guy? Is he really as good as he portrays himself to be?

Asha sighed, somewhere deep down, the realization struck that life doesn’t come with a handbook, that she has to live her life no matter what the odds were, that some questions were difficult and that she has to live by the choices she makes.


Girls in India are caught in the drift when they reach a particular age. They suddenly face a dilemma as to what to focus on in their life, whether to make a career and ensure a living or to get married and secure their life. Girls who remain single after the so called marriageable age are frowned upon by the society and are considered a burden for their families.

Throughout the month of April, thanks to the AtoZ Challenge, I am trying to portray the life of Asha, a common Indian girl with dreams and aspirations. Everyday we focus on one alphabet starting from A on April 1st till Z on April 30th. Stick with me till the end of the journey and do tell me what you think of my writing and my Asha.

A - An Arranged Marriage
B - Bridal Dreams
C - Cherubs From Heaven
D - Rusty Dusty Delhi
E - Ernakulam 
F - Fretting Over F.R.I.E.N.D.S & Fiancé
G - Gratifying Rendezvous
H - Hospitality Crash Course
I - I Love You??!!
J - Journalism's Joy
K - Krishna
L - Love, Longing & Life
M - Milan - A Meeting
N- Noodles, Nimbu Paani & A Nice Guy
O - Online?
P - Phone Number
Q - Questions!
R - Risks
S - Some Soul Searching
T - Timeless Tableau, A Twist in The Tale
U - Union


  1. Great Q post and excellent written.


    1. Thank you Yvonne... Looking forward to reading your Q :)

  2. Nice going....One can't help loving both the characters...hoping they stick together so we can read about their courtship!

    1. The alphabets are pressing them to hasten their pace :)

  3. Very well written! This is definitely NOT "Just another Blog"!!

    1. Thank you so very much Nina.

    2. absolutely as Nina says... this is one special blog :D and one special story teller :D

    3. Thank you so much. You guys have no idea how big a smile your comments put on my face :) :)

  4. Life definitely doesn't come with a handbook. She should trust her gut and go for what she wants. Lovely

    1. She would love to take some more time to think about what she wants to do; but then, its Q already!!

  5. huh !! so many questions. Its just the question of a question U know
    Waiting for next !

    1. He he.. Patience is a virtue my dear Afshan, at least I will get 24 hours more to think :P

  6. Agree with Sulekha - have to go where the heart takes us. Looking forward to the next bit.

    1. Thank you Suzy, I pray for her to reach a decision that makes her happy.

  7. all those significant questions that we all face! Great post thank you!

    Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

  8. Ah! The questions that life throws our way... Good going!

  9. This is so real. Haven't we all asked these questions at some point of time?

    1. I dread the day I will have to consider these questions and take a decision for myself.

  10. I agree with Nina - This is a very special blog - YOU, my new friend, are a Very Special Person.
    love & love,

    1. I am so happy that this challenge happened, for I could meet people like you G.

  11. I can so much relate to this post :) Good going Bhavya :)

    1. Thank you Diana, I was hoping that at least the women would be able to relate to my post :)

  12. The story is progressing too have reflected all those questions we have in mind.

    1. Thank you Janaki. So happy that the post could strike a chord.

  13. Every girl goes through this phase when she has to choose and choices are anything but difficult.Nice !!

  14. The story of Asha's aspirations is going strong. Hope you’ve enjoyed the challenge so far.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    AZ blogs on Social Media

    1. It has been such a great experience for my - participating in this challenge. More friends, more blogs to read and more activity on my blog. I AM having fun :) Thank you.

  15. Asha, take it from someone who has done it. Ditch the questions and enjoy the ride. Rooting for you.

    1. I do wish she enjoys the ride and does not worry too much about the destination.

  16. She asks good questions
    who could decide on a lifetime after only a few moments?

    1. But then, you need to take certain decisions quick.
      I'm enjoying Ari's story and will read it till the end.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Questions almost every girl asks to herself at-least once in life. :)

    1. And before we know it, it will be our chance too :P

  18. Talk about philosophical- that last paragraph was huge! Really captured the racing thoughts well here.

  19. I knew an Indian guy in his early 30's, first born son of a well off family, that seemed to have the same pressure to get married and settle down. In some ways the pressure was greater, because his younger brother was ready to marry and the family felt he should wait his 'turn'. My friend kept everyone distracted with travelling and educating himself overseas... and he also 'gave' his brother permission to marry first. Marriage and parenthood just isn't for everybody. I like how Asha escapes into her philosophies, it's a great way to access the heart of each matter and decide what will make her happiest. Great story :)


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