October 21st happened to be one of those days with a potential to change your life. My life specifically.
Dealing with the 'heaviness' I had been carrying around for so many years now took a whole new dimension. Through a friend of my mom, I heard of this Doctor who had himself been in my position and had succeeded in breaking out of it. His methods were unconventional so to say, but traditional at the same time. Now this was the point this guy really grabbed my attention. He lost a whopping 30 kilos in the meager time frame of 3 months. Amazing. Inspiring too.
I left the workshop, feeling all charged up and positive. But enthusiasm is not new to me. I have always had my ups and downs. This time, I really look forward to staying up and up only. Like Doctor showed us, we need to Finish Strong. As life takes yet another turn, I know I can and that I will, but I can take all the help I can get from you guys.
Psst: Will keep you posted on my journey.
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I shared my thoughts with you, it's your turn now :)