It has been quite a while since my formal education is completed, well not completed in the sense of ‘learning over’ but what I mean is I’ve completed my masters and am currently engaged in the promotion of a few brands on the internet. Time flies when you enjoy what you do. I seriously did not think I would last more than a month in any job. But, still wonder what made me stick on here for nearly two years now. Well, I do know the answers to it too.
Firstly, there is lots to learn, lots as in, really really a lot. And the internet is something that changes almost everyday; offering you chances to learn some new trick every day. So, surprising even myself, I found that job which does not bore me to death(hasn’t happened till now at least) or which does not stop offering me challenges in life(yet!). And secondly, the more important thing is that I’ve made a bunch of really really good friends who now almost mean the world to me.
But now that familiar feeling has started to gnaw me yet again. The urging to do something totally out of the ordinary, to just step out into the world and wander off into the uncertainty, the feeling to go out there and do something whacky you wouldn’t ever dream of. I am contemplating quitting my current job for something crazier or maybe something more sober….
Maybe its just the way I am… anything which is even remotely permanent in nature begins to bore me; maybe my spirit was born to wander… maybe I will never understand the reason for this feeling….
PS: Another old post, sharing from
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